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Welcome to Lythos Studios!

Check out our portfolio below and see some of our national and local projects

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I can take your business to new heights.

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We are not responsible if something goes wrong

Portfolio Showcase

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My Short Story

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My Satisfied Clients

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My Skills

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hello world!

What We Do?

Web Development

Large or small projects such as

Retail Marketing

Julep's New Southern Cuisine
Petersburg Preservation


Virginia Commission for the Arts
Baugh Autobody
St. John's Church Foundation
Gilmore For America


St. Joseph's Villa
Extraordinary Caveman
Bacon Festival


Wakefield Peanut Company
VCU Theatre
Equity Plus


city of Petersburg
PPTF (Museums)

We create solutions
that people love

Completed Projects
Years Experience
Team Members

Selected Projects

Web Development

Praxis Circle

Digital Campaign

Wakefield Peanut Company

Branding/Advertising Campaigns

Television and Digital AdvertisingPublic RelationsBrand DevelopmentAdvertisingSTART YOUR PROJECT

Clients Kind Words About Us

David Gaston, PhD

David Gaston 
· 1stFirst degree connection
President/CEO at Gaston Educational Consulting, LLC President/CEO at Gaston Educational Consulting, LLC

When our school division needed to identify its brand, Lythos presented us with an outstanding and comprehensive proposal that delivered! Over the course of a school year, Clay met with stakeholder focus groups throughout our community in informal, conversational sessions that provided a complete vision of our community, its strengths, and its opportunities. Using this information, Lythos was able to present to our School Board a complete picture of what our community felt were its most notable core beliefs, values. and passions behind educating its children.

From here, working with a graphic design team, Lythos produced a set of five options for tag lines and brand graphics that best captured this community input. These were then broadcasted to our community, using a social media community-wide selection campaign that allowed every citizen to select which graphic and tag line best represented the community's vision for their schools. The design and moniker that rose to the top became our new brand that proudly identified who we were and why we exist. Working with Clay and his team on this project was not only easy, but lots of fun, and produced a brand about which everyone was proud and invested.

Clay's work with our business website design has also been nothing short of excellent! The layout, design, and graphics that went into the site were all developed collaboratively, with Clay listening closely to the cues and messaging that identified our company's client services and support. Edits and changes were constant through this process, but the final site product was clean, informative, and easy to navigate. Regular updates and edits are always provided by Lythos in a timely and professional manner. It has been a positive, easy, and fun experience working with them through these projects!

Bill Bennett

Owner, IdeaWeavers, LLC

We are extremely happy with our website designed by Lythos Studios. Lythos was a pleasure to work with. They asked focused questions about our target clients, product and company and were able to craft a very clean and straight forward website design. I highly recommend talking to Lythos Studios if you need any help with Branding or Design. It was one of the best uses of my time in the 12 years I have owned IdeaWeavers.

Susan Gaston

Susan GastonSusan Gaston

President & Owner at The Gaston Group, LLC
I have known Clay for several years and have had the pleasure of working with him in a variety of situations. We have worked together on projects where quick turn-around was imperative, and actions were needed immediately. He and his firm knocked it out of the park, and our client was thrilled. More recently, I hired Clay and Lythos to update and design a new website for my government relations firm, and to construct a corporate Facebook page. I have been so pleased with the results, and would highly recommend them to any individual or company, large or small, that needs a creative, honest, cost-conscious web and graphics designer. Clay and his team can produce solid results for you!

How We Work


We meet with all of the stakeholders in an organization; owners or board members, staff, teachers and/or students for example.  


We conduct research for who is the competitor(s) of your organization; your target audience and from within your organization.


We create a plan based on your needs; advertising, web development, design, whatever!


We implement the plan we created to set your organization apart from your competitor(s).  That may include any of the items in our wheelhouse.


Using any of our monitoring tools such as Google Analytics, foot traffic into your organization and sales or taxes collected during our implementation period.  Then we adjust our plan to further enhance the results.

Ready to work
with us?


From our writings in National and Regional Publications for the city of Petersburg, Virginia

Read the article in the National League of Cities Read the article in the American City & County MagazineRead the article in ICMA MagazineRead the article in VML Magazine Towne and CityRead the article in VML Magazine Towne and CityRead the article about a Petersburg non-profit in Richmond Family MagazineRead the article about the Petersburg Preservation Task Force and its grant results from Virginia Tourism Corporation in Digital Huddle

We're on social media

Let’s Get in Touch


212  A East Franklin Street
Richmond, Va.  23219
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